14 Dec

I recently read a very inspiring article about a group of young people dubbed “Club 2012”. This group of students graduated this year; however, the cohort was formed six years ago.  The parents of the students saw  the need to take parental involvement to another level.  I won’t spoil their strategies because the article is worth reading, but suffice it to say these students were immersed in an environment where they had not other choice but to succeed.

The lesson that I took from the formation and ultimately the success of this club is that no person can succeed on their own.  What an awesome lesson to teach our children.  Not only does it take the child putting forth maximum effort; but it also requires parents, friends and outside family members.  I guess you could say: “It really does take a village”. It takes other people to help hold one  accountable.  It helps to have the expertise of others in areas where one may not be as adept.  Why not visit a local museum with a group of parents and children instead of just with the immediate family? Imagine how many more points of view can be introduced and discussed. How fun would it be for you to take your teenager on a college tour with other friends and their parents? I see the value in sitting down for dinner after a college tour with other parents and families and discussing the pros and cons of that particular college.

I urge you to surround yourself with two or three other families who you can collaborate with, share parenting tips and stories of success.  Just think of it as the beginning of your child’s network.  Perhaps try it this upcoming school year and see if it does not prove beneficial. Maybe you can start your own “Club 20??”.

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